
The Daily Planet
Official Newsletter of
The San Francisco Northstars
Motorcycle Club

Volume 12, Issue 5

July 18, 1999

Schedule of Events

July 24-25 Dardanelles Sierra Ride, Catfish, see details in this issue
July 28 Club Meeting, S. F. Brewing Co.
Aug. 15-16 Old Hwy-40 Days Hill Climb, Tahoe-Donner, René LaPrevotte
Aug. 25 SPECIAL Club Meeting, Anchor Steam Brewery, 6:30pm
Aug. 29 Skaggs-Springs & AFM @ Sears Point Ride, Mark Anderson
Sept. 23 BBQ & Flat-Track Night at
Club Moto
, 7pm, Hans Koolhoven
Sept. 25-27 Lost Coast & Trinity Alps Ride, Catfish
Sept. 29 Club Meeting, S. F. Brewing Co.
Oct. 9-10 Stonyford Dirt & Camping, Hans Koolhoven
Oct. 23-25 Death Valley, Matt Brockway
Oct. 27 Club Meeting, S. F. Brewing Co.
Nov. 11 November Surprise Ride
Nov. 24 Club Meeting, S. F. Brewing Co.
Dec. 12 President's Ride
Dec. 26-31 Desert Dirt & Camping, Earl & Hans
Dec. 29 Club Meeting, S. F. Brewing Co.
Guests: Mark Boyd, Joel Buck, Roozbeh Chubak, & Lee Minkler.

Again the turn-out for the meeting was larger than the upstairs room could hold, so Mr. Paul graciously emptied the Brewhouse room for our business & enjoyment.  I also believe I saw him provide a couple of pitchers for the thirsty membership.  Wow, what a guy!  Now, if we can just get him out on a ride this year.

Old Business, Ride Reports, & Myths

Russ Johnson told the tale of an east bay ride with friends that involved Port Costa, rats and playing with a guy in a car going down Hwy 80.   You had to be there.

Earl Minkler, Catfish, Patrick Moriarty, & Joel Buck talked about the Memorial Day Dirty Camping Trip to Fout Springs.  Also there were Lee Minkler, Chris Chaplin, Mark Boyd, Gretchen Hoffman, and Tom & Sally Schubb on various days.  Great riding, dust, water jousts at creek crossings, Slo-Hand Moriarty on Lee's guitar, and some howling at the moon.  A fun four days!

The Joe Johannsen Memorial Sierra Ride was discussed by ride leader Pat Lydon & others next.  Riders included Catfish, Charlie Ellis, John Mulvihill and guests Steve Hursh (his 4th NS ride for the year) & Angela Barkes on her new ZRX1100.  We ran up numerous 2-lane valley roads along the Sacramento river, til we turned east to Oroville. Next was Cherokee Rd., a tight, gnarly little roller coast with wheelie_rises™ every 20-30 seconds apart.

June 30th Meeting

Attendees: Mark Anderson, Mike Chaplin, Russ Johnson, René LaPrevotte, Pat Lydon, Earl Minkler, Patrick Moriarty, John Mulvihill, John Munger, Allan Paul, & Steve Schurman.

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