Rules of the Road

1. Don't Fuck up! We shoot the wounded & sell off the moto parts for the tequila fund.
2. This ain't a race; though to the unwashed, it may appear otherwise.  We travel at a brisk Pace that an experienced rider on a large DP bike should enjoy.  If the rider in front of you is slower in the corners than you want to be, pass them safely in the next open straight.  If the rider behind you is "crowding" you in the corners, wave them by in the next open straight.  For the ride to be fun for everyone, riders with fastest-to-slowest corner speeds should be in that order front-to-back within the group.
3. We, either as groups or individually, will always wait at ALL turns on the ride route for the next rider in the group to see the turn. Club members AND guests are expected to do this on ALL rides. With large turn outs, we may divide up into smaller, more manageable groups where we practice the wait-for-the-next-rider scenario within the groups.
4. While pacing the backroads, keep LARGE following distances between riders.  You can't honestly survey the road surface conditions as you should on our dirty rough backroads, if you are so close to the rider in front of you that their tail light is the only thing you can see.  Remember also some of us travel with radar detectors and will suddenly brake & drop to legal speeds instantly, for no apparent reason.  Stay alert & don't crowd each other on public roads like racers do on the track.
5. Individually, we should always travel at a pace that's within our personal capabilities & comfort level for the current conditions.  The rider in front of you is responsible for waiting for you at the next turn; however, they are NOT responsible for the speed that you elect to travel at or the dangers associated with it.  You are the only one responsible for your actions.
6. Urban, or more densely populated areas, are not the places to ride briskly & draw undesired attention to the group.  Slow it down, be courteous to others we share the road with, & save the adrenaline for the empty backroads.

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Last update; July 02, 2009

©1995-2007, San Francisco Northstars Motorcycle Club