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LISTPROC Information

Here is a brief description of the set of requests recognized by LISTPROC. Everything appearing in [ ] below is optional; everything appearing in { } is mandatory; all arguments are case insensitive. The vertical bar | is used as a logical OR operator between the arguments. Requests may be abbreviated, but you must specify at least the first three characters.

Note that you can do almost all this stuff now via our spiffy new Web page.

Keep in mind that when referring to a {list}, that list may be of two kinds: local or remote, unless otherwise noted. When referring to a local list, your request will be immediately processed; when referring to a remote list (a list served by another ListProcessor which this system knows about), your request will be appropriately forwarded. Issue a 'lists' request to get a listing of all local and known remote lists to this ListProcessor.

Recognized requests are:

help [topic]

Without arguments, this file. Otherwise get specific information on the selected topic. Topics may also refer to requests. To learn more about this system issue a 'help listproc' request. To get a listing of all available topics, generate an error message by sending a bogus request like 'help me'.

set {list} [

Without the optional arguments, get a list of all current settings for the specified list. Otherwise change the option to a new value for that list. Issue a 'help set' request for more information.

subscribe {list} {your name}

The only way to subscribe to a list. For example, if your name were Suzy Creamcheese and you wanted to subscribe to the Zappa mailing list, you would submit the following request:

subscribe Zappa Suzy Creamcheese

Note that LISTPROC would derive your email address from the headers of the email message itself. This means that you must send the request from the system where you intend to read your email from this list.

unsubscribe {list}
signoff {list}

Two ways of removing yourself from the specified list.

recipients {list}
review {list}

Get a listing of all non-concealed people subscribed to the specified list.

information {list}

Get information about the specified list.

statistics {list} {[subscriber email address(es)] | [-all]}

Get a listing of non-concealed subscribers along with the number of messages each one of them has sent to the specified list. If the optional email addresses are given, then statistics will be collected for these users only. For example:

stat foo user1domain user2domain

will generate statistics about these two subscribers. "-all" lists statistics for all users that have posted on the list (whether currently subscribed ot not).

run {list} [{password} {cmd [args]}]

Run the specified command with the optional arguments and receive the output from stdout and/or stderr. To get a listing of all available commands to run, omit the arguments, i.e. issue a 'run {list}' request. You have to belong to the specified list, and must have obtained the password from the list's owner; the owner's address may be found in the Errors-To: header line of each delivered message. {list} may be local only.


Get a list of all local mailing lists that are served by this server, as well as of all known remote lists. Note: this option is disabled at in order to assist in preventing 'spammers' from automating the theft of email addresses.

index [archive | path-to-archive] [/password] [-all]

Get a list of files in the selected archive, or the master archive if no archive was specified. If an archive is private, you have to provide its password as well.

get {file} [/password] [parts]

Get the requested file from the specified archive. Files are usually split in parts locally, and in such a case you will receive the file in multiple email messages -- an 'index' request tells you how many parts the file has been split into, and their sizes; if you need to obtain certain parts, specify them as optional arguments. If an archive is private, you have to provide its password as well.

view {archive | path-to-archive}] [/password] [parts]

Same as "get" but in interactive mode justs catenates the file on the screen.

search {archive | path-to-archive}] [/password] [-all]

Search all files of the specified archive (and all of its subarchives if -all is specified) for lines that match the pattern. The pattern can be an egrep(1)-style regular expression with support for the following additional operators: '~' (negation), '|' and '&' (logical OR and AND), '<' '>' (group regular expressions). The pattern may be enclosed in single or double quotes. Note: . matches any character including new line.


Get information about the current release of this ListProcessor system.


Get a listing of local mailing lists to which you have subscribed.

The requests below are list owner specific. List owners should contact the system's manager for extensive usage information:

reports {list} {password}

Obtain all reports about the specified local list.

edit {list} {password} {file}

Obtain the specified file for editing.

put {list} {password} {keyword} [args]

Manipulate addresses and change system files.

approve {list} {password} {tag}

Approve the message identified by the tag number for posting to the specified moderated list.

discard {list} {password} {tag}

Discard the message identified by the tag number sent to the specified moderated list.

In addition, help is available on the following topic(s):


Learn how to connect to this ListProcessor over the Internet for live processing of your requests.


Learn more about this system and list management software in general.

Copyright © 1998-2003, by H. Marc Lewis. All rights reserved.
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